Business world and Career World often synergize and collapse into one inseparable universe. In other word, I think Business World is intertwined with Career World inseparably. Whether you are working for a company or partnership, big or or small, or working for yourself as entrepreneur creating business or work as a self proprietor/tress, you will see that competition is fierce and business know-how transfers and being copied as fast as light travels.
In order to understand the complexities above and better in handling them, a company or a person should have a better self-reflection and often evaluate their own business traits and / or personal traits:
1. Resilience. Resilience allows a business or a person to bounce back from any adversity. Put aside one's ego and past conflict, you need resilience to move forward. Keep trying and keep knocking on doors whether it is to close a contract, to get promotion, to seal a deal, to finish a project, to refine a product or to market a service.
2. Aptitude and Business Acumen. It enables a business owner or entrepreneur to quickly observe a business weather change or create a new trend and then react towards it, better yet, proactively change your direction before the prediction comes realized. Sharpness in noticing what your company's goals and direction also helps to put you ahead in the corporate ladder as well. Likewise, in navigating a career world, a person need aptitude and business acumen to do problem solving, and contribute to the maximum possible for the company.
3. Integrity. Integrity is heavily relied in the age of this fast information-spread both in real world and also in internet world. Whether you are trying to categorize which persons to be included in your personal networking site and which persons will be put into business acquaintance category, you must filter and separate your personal life information from your business matters. Indeed it is not always easy, but try to attempt to categorize and dare to say no or reject inappropriate personal comments. You don't want your future employer or future potential business clients see you or your business accidentally deemed as 'not serious' or way too casual. In short, categorize in the separation between personal and professional business matters. You can cross network between the two buckets but still by being the appropriate authentic 'You' or 'Your Business Value and Vision'.
Respect, be truthful and be consistent what you say, you do and you act in the same manner you expect anyone to do the same to you.
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