Minggu, 25 September 2011

How to Work with a Bossy Colleague

Bossy Co-Worker is another type of power-hunger corporate animal in the corporate jungle. Not necessary he/she is a bad person in nature. It could be that this person is extremely cautious and paranoid or even perfectionist; hoping that the outcome of what he/she is working on or the team output (where we are incidentally being put into the same place) is no less than outstanding or satisfactory. 
However, if indeed this colleague / co-worker is just bossy and want us to put him/her on the higher pedestal we can deal with him/ her in civilized manner. My suggestion :

1. Make sure we give him/her credit for his/her work. Thank him/her but not excessively.
2. Be genuine and don't suck him/her up by being pretentious.
3. Be inclusive in getting him/her on the same project we are working on and make him/her belongs to the team or even closer to us professionally in tackling the project
4. Respect whatever personal inclination or problem that he/she might be having but give honest feedback when his/ her bossy action has become unbearable
5. CC (via intra-company email) supervisor or subordinate in any related correspondence so that the focus is less on who is the hero but more on what result we have achieve

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