Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

How to Start a Successful Business

Anyone can start a successful business regardless of age. The question is just how success or big or how famous the business will be.
Factors that may play in your success creation are: 80% hardwork, resilience and persistence, 10% environment and genetical quotient superiority, 10% luck or so called factor X. Factor X is usually a hard-to-explain factor that a human can be blessed with. I believe God plays this major factor and bless success to whom He wants to bless and fluorish unexplainably by human understanding. This factor will unexplainably make some inventor meet another venture capitalist who believes in the product or service or some real estate entrepreneur somehow got approved on high capital funding from a financial institution and so on.

How to start a successful business as a child or a teenager:

1. Find what your strength and your given ability, then ask yourself is it incline with what you are doing.

2. Find what you truly love doing and find your passion. Pursue it persistently.

3. Start defining a mini business plan by defining your product or service. As a teenager, you have the advantage of seeing and making your school friends everyday as target mass consumers, also your neighborhood is another friendly target customer. Nothing should be underestimated no matter how small you might think the idea is. You can do something that is totally new or innovative or simply doing something or offering product and service that is already exist. For example: pet salon, elderly care for home-bounds elderly, creating jewelry, creating children play community, selling cupcakes, selling T-shirts with hand-painting pattern, etc.

4. Build your product or design your service well just like when you, yourself, is the buyer / customer.

5. SELL, SELL, SELL. Keep knocking on doors and make cold sales. Don't be afraid of rejections. Don't give up

6. Evaluate any customer feedbacks and make any improvements or modifications if needed.

7. Keep selling. SELL, SELL, SELL....Make your product or service has a distinct 'brand' and make it stands out

8. Organize your business process and manage your revenue, expense and profit.

9. Repeat the selling process, business process betterment and profit management. Your business is growing ...

*** Never Give Up. Be Thankful even on Small Progress or a Digress. Good Luck !!!

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